2 research outputs found

    Weather Data Transmission Driven By Artificial Neural Network based Prediction

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    Nowadays, the trend of big data that can be describe as a massive volume and unstructured data have become more complicated because of its difficulty to be process using traditional database and software techniques. Due to increase in size of data, there also demand for big bandwidth for the transmission of big data. Data transmission is important in communication in providing information at different location. In this project we focus on big data transmission in the context of weather data. Weather data is important for meteorologist as it helps them to make weather prediction. Real time weather prediction is really important as it would help in making quick decision to react with the environment and planning for our daily activities. The purpose of this project is to develop a real time and low bandwidth usage for weather data transmission driven by an artificial neural network perform weather forecast using Adaptive Forecasting Model. This project seeks an application context offshore because the data transmission from offshore to onshore is very costly and requires high usage of network bandwidth. Other than that, offshore weather can change rapidly and cause offshore activity to be delayed

    Weather Data Transmission Driven By Artificial Neural Network based Prediction

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    Nowadays, the trend of big data that can be describe as a massive volume and unstructured data have become more complicated because of its difficulty to be process using traditional database and software techniques. Due to increase in size of data, there also demand for big bandwidth for the transmission of big data. Data transmission is important in communication in providing information at different location. In this project we focus on big data transmission in the context of weather data. Weather data is important for meteorologist as it helps them to make weather prediction. Real time weather prediction is really important as it would help in making quick decision to react with the environment and planning for our daily activities. The purpose of this project is to develop a real time and low bandwidth usage for weather data transmission driven by an artificial neural network perform weather forecast using Adaptive Forecasting Model. This project seeks an application context offshore because the data transmission from offshore to onshore is very costly and requires high usage of network bandwidth. Other than that, offshore weather can change rapidly and cause offshore activity to be delayed